How can YOU NOT AFFORD to pay for training when you own a handgun for CONCEALED CARRY?

When purchasing a handgun, there are some things to consider, we will talk about one criteria I tell my students. Cost. You want to look for a handgun that you can afford to purchase, as well as the total cost. Not only are you looking at purchase price, you want to look at the cost of the ammunition, training, classes, liability insurance, ongoing training and gear. You are purchasing a new lifestyle when it comes to concealed carry, so you need to learn good safe habits right away. They do not come with the box that your handgun came in, there may be an owner's manual and some propaganda for warranty information and how to use the lock, but that is it. You just purchased a handgun, now what? Train, but how? I have my permit, you might say to yourself, but here in Pennsylvania, that is all you need, but is it? The 12 rules written from the County on a piece of paper that comes with your concealed carry permit does not tell you anything about the legal aspects of conc...