I am in the gunstore.. now what?
A lot of people go into gun shops knowing that they want a gun and about 50% of them buy on the recommendations of others and find themselves frustrated and cheated. It is not the gun shop’s fault. It is because we rely on the information that our family friend is an expert because he has a collection of guns that is tucked away neatly in his safe. This type of information from this friend is his opinion on his experiences, but not solid gold. He meant well, that is for sure, he wanted to steer you in the direction that he went, but it is not up to him to determine what brand, make or model you will be able to comfortably shoot, shoot often, or even carry. Some things to think about before stepping into the gun shop. You want a firearm for self-defense, possibly concealed carry, or home defense. There are differences in what you might consider for your first purchase. Fit, Function, Finance Each make and model has been tested and put on th...