What is Women's Pistol 1?

In answer to the questions about what is involved in the women's courses, we will start with Women's Pistol 1, and then delve into Women's Pistol 2. In Women's Pistol 1, we go over safety, firearm safety, and personal safety. You will also learn handgun anatomy, handgun action types, and how they function. You will also learn about ammunition components and we compare training rounds to defensive rounds. You will also learn basic marksmanship skills to get you on paper, explain the differences between marksmanship skills vs defensive skills, or defensive accuracy, and how to obtain a blend of the two without giving up accuracy. In Women's Pistol 1, we also show you on your firearm how to dismantle and clean it when you are done training with your cleaning kit or ours. You may order one when you sign up by contacting us through email or phone. ...