Which Target for What?
Sometimes it can be overwhelming with the thousands of designs out there for practicing fundamentals to critical thinking drills as one I have created a while back. When it comes to sighting in, we use a grid pattern of one-inch squares with guides telling you how to move your MOS or RDS already printed and ready to use. When it comes to speed drills such as the BILL DRILL, this is one you need to master in under 4 seconds with 6 accurate rounds on the target at 3, 5, 7 yards, and even out to 10 yards. This helps you master speed and accuracy rather quickly without wasting a ton of ammunition. Then there are more complicated targets with shapes, numbers, and designs all to keep you thinking. Then there are "dry fire" targets that we use and give to our students to use as a way to practice the fundamentals with dry-fire or a dry-fire laser system or with a SIRT gun. These ...