Best Carry Holster?

Best Carry Holster? From my opinion, the one that works the best must be comfortable to wear all day, to be able to draw from a seated position whether it is in a car, a chair or couch at home, or in public such as a theater, a restaurant booth, etc. Try to decide which is your style carry, what works for me may be different from your opinion, and dress options. My personal choice is an inside the waistband strong side holster, I have found it to be comfortable and I personally enjoy the benefit of being able to wear a lot of different options with the Crossbreed SuperTuck Series, as well as their Executive Belt. I can wear shirt tucked in, or hanging out, keeping my firearm concealed. I can draw quickly from it in varying positions including inside the vehicle, manipulating the seatbelt. Visit my Partners Page for link and 15% off code!