Before/After School Stranger Dangers!

STRANGER DANGER!! It is that time of year again! School is here, activities are here, and stress of everyday life has begun once more for 9 and a half months. What can we do to make sure our children are in the right place at the right time, and keep them safe and secure while we go about our day going to work, paying bills, getting groceries, picking the dog up from the vet, get the dry-cleaning from the cleaners, picking up trash in the yard, yard work, and getting food on the table.. Geesh! Now, how about getting the kids to and from school? Maybe 15% of us adults take our kids to school ourselves due to timing of our jobs, and then there are walkers and bus takers. In that time when we can not take our kids to school, we trust that we live in perfect neighborhoods and nothing could happen between home, the bus and the walk to school. Unfortunately, time has taught us again and again that there are strangers out there who wish to harm our kids for some se...