
Showing posts from March, 2020

Dry Fire Training

Dry Fire Training Cannot get to the range because of time restrictions?  Dry-Fire in the privacy of your own home.  Using your handgun/rifle/shotgun, REMOVE ALL AMMUNITION from the room where you will be conducting your dry-fire training, CLEAR YOUR HANDGUN AGAIN!  Double check your firearm and magazines are not loaded! If you have snap-caps, use them inside your magazine, if you have a laser insert those work as well, for those who have been able to purchase a SIRT gun or SIRT bolt, these are good options as well, especially if you are able to find a SIRT gun modeled after your current model of handgun. Using the fundamental drills of sight alignment, grip, breathing, trigger press, draw from sitting on the couch, a chair, pick a light switch (or place target on the wall) .  To start in a seated position follow through with all 5 stages of drawing as well, grip, pull,  pivot muzzle, meet with support hand as well as follow through towards target. Usin...

COVID-19 Zombie Apocalypse? Know why people are worried about this.

Covid-19 (corona virus) has spread one thing MASS PANIC!  From buying out grocery stores, gun shops, and creating more panic than is necessary by creating a shortage for those who may need items.  (single parents,one income families and elderly folks) I call this the creation of the zombie apocalypse for the reasons above, panic, and shortages. The problem I see is some folks who are too busy online playing games and consuming a bag of chips, not really knowing what is happening with grocery stores or shortages everywhere. One day he/she is playing a game, runs out of food, and decides to go to the grocery store, to find nothing on the shelves.. creating panic and a non-rational thought in their minds. The thought bubble pops in their mind "I got this, I can do it, I played enough grand theft auto, or call of duty", and decides to forcibly obtain items, this may be in the form of a home invasion, or looting in stores that has temporarily closed its doors, and hurting ...

Home Security Preparation

Home Security Planning does not take a long time to actually do, but if you don't take your time, you could be asking for trouble. First, let's look at our front door, how is it compared to the rest of the house, is it sturdy, or does it look like a quick kick could knock it open?  Windows on the first floor and encasement windows, are they shatterproof? Do they have bar-stops attached to them? Garage Doors, are they automatic, do they require a remote or keypad stroke to open.  Is the interior door to your home inside your garage solid as well? Do you have any ladders or tools outside that anyone can use to open your home? Do you have a plan for your family in case a breech is made into your home?  Having a Home Defense plan can increase the security in your homes for your loved ones while you are at work for peace of mind. Planning on creating a home defense plan? Need some help? Ask us how, we can help you with a plan.