COVID-19 Zombie Apocalypse? Know why people are worried about this.

Covid-19 (corona virus) has spread one thing MASS PANIC!  From buying out grocery stores, gun shops, and creating more panic than is necessary by creating a shortage for those who may need items.  (single parents,one income families and elderly folks)

I call this the creation of the zombie apocalypse for the reasons above, panic, and shortages.
The problem I see is some folks who are too busy online playing games and consuming a bag of chips, not really knowing what is happening with grocery stores or shortages everywhere.
One day he/she is playing a game, runs out of food, and decides to go to the grocery store, to find nothing on the shelves.. creating panic and a non-rational thought in their minds.
The thought bubble pops in their mind "I got this, I can do it, I played enough grand theft auto, or call of duty", and decides to forcibly obtain items, this may be in the form of a home invasion, or looting in stores that has temporarily closed its doors, and hurting someone else to do so.
Although this is a worse case scenario, this could happen, are you prepared? 
Is your home defense plan in effect?

Stay Safe, Stay Trained.


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