What Firearms Instruction to you should mean.

 As an instructor, I see a lot of potentially great people out there doing the greater good of teaching a student how to proficiently shoot their handguns, following all the same protocols, and giving them the fist bump afterward, and fists on hips look.

Are they telling you what needs to happen next? Or are they sending you on your way to get their next instruction in?

As a student, I hope that you would not take that one class you took as the end-all of all training. and ask what is next. If you took the course to satisfy your partner's need in you being "proficient enough" to own one, you owe yourself to take it to the next level, and invest in your training.

Please know I have your safety in mind when you come training in our "academy". Yes, you will know "how" to shoot the center of your target or create a small grouping, however, that is just to get used to the grip, firing cycle, the recoil, and perhaps a little recoil management before you leave.

Not only is this great, but it is just the beginning, you will need to learn how to do this proficiently and while under the stress of time and pressure of often short distances, and did I mention time? Not having enough time is something you need to know in the beginning, if your instructor sends you on your way after the first lesson, and doesn't have the next lesson after the "safety" training, do yourself and your family a favor and find another instructor.

Attacks happen in seconds, and when sub-seconds count, will that few hours or so at a fundamentals course really help you in that situation?

For more information on this, please contact us for your First Shot Program, you take it as far as you want, you are in control of the program, there is a guideline, but it is not the "end-all" program. In fact, when you seek instruction, you should seek out other instructors as well and see what they have to offer as well. If they give you the "we are the best and nobody else can do better" attitude, know to save your money and move on.

I encourage all my students to try other instructors, you will learn something from them you may not have picked up from someone else.

You will also get a chance to see how other operations work, and if they are a match for your "needs".

Please stay safe, and always remember, there are other options out there.


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