
Showing posts from December, 2021

Concealed carry. part 2 (do I get involved in what is happening in front of me?)

                A lot of people ask me if they need to get involved in situations where I could be helping someone.   My answer to them is “Are you in fear of immediate great grave/or bodily harm for yourself or a loved one” in this scenario or are you looking to just stop the “bad guy”? Many of us with a great moral compass and a love for other humans want to be the good guy and save the person in distress, however, if you stumble onto this, and you take action, you need to really be sure who is the bad guy in the situation because you took the step of getting involved in any situation you will be looked at and scrutinized for any action helping out the “good guy” who turned out to be the “bad guy”, you have just landed yourself in some deep legal waters.      Does this sound like you want to be involved in this type of situation? Perhaps you see your friend who looks like they are in trouble, do you help them?   Aga...

Concealed Carry. What it should mean to those new to the lifestyle part 1

    Concealed carry is a legal term for getting permission from your local government to carry a firearm for self-defense.   It also means it can put more pressure on us legally if we were to use the firearm in our defense. All our actions up to the point of having to defend ourselves will be looked at and scrutinized by the prosecuting attorney, the media outlets, and our friends and family                .               But do not let that deter you from what you are looking to do, it is just a harsh reality nobody wants to admit or talk about.  I would rather you know forehand and then get into the nitty-gritty of what you are looking for.                 When I started to carry here in Pennsylvania, it was as simple as going to the courthouse with cash, a smile, and a driver’s license, and pending the co...