House of Worship Training

House of Worship Training How is your House of Worship Team's Health? Are they trained to do more than look for an active shooter? Where is the focus on the security for your congregation, youth groups, and leaders? Do they do ongoing training with a Certified Instructor? Do you have enough Volunteers for your Greeter/Usher/Security Team? Do you have armed security? Have they qualified with a Firearms Instructor for Insurance Purposes? Are they Insured in the event they need to use their firearm? Personally Insured or does the House of Worship Insurance Cover these volunteers? At Shamar's Shield, a division of Gunpowder & Lead Firearms Training, we help re-establish the Greeter/Security/Usher Team, and make it manageable. We offer a few programs. 1) Ongoing Training for 1 year, including 4 In-person HOW training, 26 Zoom meetings for your team to train on subjects, 2 days at the range and 2 days in the HOW for Reality-Based Training u...